Knative 1.0 Helps Developers Use Event-Driven Architecture

Timm Wilson

Timm Wilson

Nov 4, 2021
Knative 1.0 Helps Developers Use Event-Driven Architecture
Knative 1.0 Helps Developers Use Event-Driven Architecture

Knative project reached a huge 1.0 milestone. The project helps developers use Event-Driven Architecture. TriggerMesh leverages Knative to bring DevOps speed to the integration layer.

Highlights of Knative 1.0 include:

  • Stand up scalable, secure, stateless services in seconds.
  • Focused API with higher level abstractions for common app use-cases.
  • Pluggable components let you bring your own logging and monitoring, networking, and service mesh.
  • Run Knative anywhere Kubernetes runs, never worry about vendor lock-in.
  • Seamless developer experience, supports GitOps, DockerOps, ManualOps
  • Supports many common tools and frameworks such as Django, Ruby on Rails, Spring, and many more.

You can read the full press release here

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