Futuriom - TriggerMesh Announced in First Futuriom 40

Timm Wilson

Timm Wilson

Mar 1, 2021
Futuriom - TriggerMesh Announced in First Futuriom 40
Futuriom - TriggerMesh Announced in First Futuriom 40

The complexity and scale of cloud networks has forced scrutiny on how those networks can best be set up and consumed. Even managing a single public cloud service, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) can gobble time and operating resources. So when environments shift to hybrid and multi-cloud configurations — or when services based on 5G up the ante with a flurry of new, complicated services — manual techniques fall behind. Putting it all together in cloud infrastructure automation has been a major focus for a handful of innovative startups. While their specific areas of expertise differ, their goal is shared — to promote visibility and management across multiple cloud resources securely and without sacrificing any of the features available on those resources. Read More

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